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Good Stuff

Help us create


If you would like to volunteer for HV4K, then please contact

HV4K is looking for the following types of help:

  • Digital illustrators to help us create cool artwork, which we can use for products on our HV4K Creations store.


  • 2D/3D cartoon animators to help us produce short 'innerVison with The Love Man' videos that provide deeper insights into the lessons from each of the Adventures in Human Values™ children's books.

  • Script writers to turn our 108 Adventures in Human Values™ children’s books into 9-minute cartoon episodes.

  • Music composers to create meaningful background music for each Adventures in Human Values™ cartoon episode that is produced.

  • Song writers, musicians, and singers to produce songs that align with each of the 108 Adventures in Human Values™ children’s books.  These songs  would be used at the end of each Adventures in Human Values™ cartoon episode that is produced.  We can also sell your song through our website to earn money for you, HV4K, or both.

  • Voice actors to voice the characters for each Adventures in Human Values™ cartoon episode.

  • 2D/3D cartoon animators to help us produce 108 Adventures in Human Values™ cartoon episodes.

  • Poetry & spoken word artists to produce pieces on each of the 108 values in our Adventures in Human Values™ children’s books.

  • Online video game developers to help us build video games that help kids learn about human values and experience their positive impact.

  • Web and mobile application developers to help us build an 'HV4K Academy' with lessons, assessments, badges, and analytics on progress (like Khan Academy for moral development).

  • Product and project managers to help us create, produce, and maintain new media products for our 108 Steps to Love project (click here for more info).

  • Online & social media marketing experts to help us promote what we are doing and generate sales for our HV4K Creations store.

  • Education program  and project managers to help us further develop our Value of the Week (VOW) project (click here for more info).

  • Academic researchers to help us further develop our Character of Research Effort (CORE) initiative (click here for more info).

  • Other – anything else you can think of that we are not!

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